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The Trustee Of Mt Gox Creates A New Dip


April 29, 2018 | 


Joanna Newman | 

Get Into Cryptocurrency Trading Today

Most cryptographic currencies have exploded in recent days, more than 100% for Ripple and Ethereum.

The bulls are back and nothing seems to stop them, even the famous whale Mr Kobayashi who manages Bitcoins and Bitcoin cash related to the case MT GOX.
Apparently, the lawyer in charge of the wallet has recently moved nearly 16,000 Bitcoins or $ 141 million of its cold wallet. Which would have caused a small dip (falling prices).

Yet no one knows if they have been sold or just moved.
After this news and this little dip, prices are, however, already gone up.

It is not the first time

Mt Gox, based in Tokyo, ceased operations in 2014. This after a loss of a million Bitcoins of its customers. According to reports, Nobuaki Kobayashi announced that he had already sold nearly $ 400 million of BCH and BTC in September 2017.

An initiative that led to many criticisms. Indeed, these corners would have been sold on exchange platforms, inevitably causing a fall in prices at each sale.

Mt Gox sees the situation differently

According to Nobuaki Kobayashi's claims, this movement of funds is unrelated to the fluctuation of prices of cryptocurrency on the market. Indeed, it clearly announced in March that it had already consulted experts in cryptographic currency before selling these BTC and BCH.

According to him, all these transactions were carried out in such a way that they do not affect the market price.

Towards a $ 250,000 or $ 25,000 Bitcoin

The winter correction seems to be behind us and the spring comes back with the song of the cryptos-optimists whistle their predictions all more promising than the others.
Oh ! look at an 18-year-old who bought a Lamborghini thanks to his investment in Bitcoin. Quick, quickly do like him, invest.

In other words, the eternal cycle FOMO VS FUD starts again and the media accompany it to play on these strong emotions.

In addition to these parasitic emotions that drive overly emotional traders to failure, we must take into account all the strong signs that tend to show that the cryptocurrency market is consolidating.

Indeed banks and other actors of traditional finance as well as many institutional players who are turning more and more to cryptos.
The blockchain, is gaining momentum in all spheres of the economy, through art, transportation, travel ...

The revolution is on and the famous bubble was not filled with air.
Strangely, nobody seems to compare Bitcoin with a tulip and fools were perhaps the ones who compared a flower with a technological revolution.

Buy & Sell Cryptocurrency Instantly

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Total Market Cap The Total Market Capitalization (Market Cap) is an indicator that measures the size of all the cryptocurrencies.It’s the total market value of all the cryptocurrencies' circulating supply: so it’s the total value of all the coins that have been mined.

{[{ marketcap }]} {[{ marketcapchange.toLocaleString(undefined, {maximumFractionDigits:2}) }]}% (24H) {[{ marketcapchange.toLocaleString(undefined, {maximumFractionDigits:2}) }]}% (24H)


Price Cryptocurrency prices are volatile, and the prices change all the time. We are collecting all the data from several exchanges to provide the most accurate price available.

24H Cryptocurrency prices are volatile… The 24h % change is the difference between the current price and the price24 hours ago.


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Price Cryptocurrency prices are volatile, and the prices change all the time. We are collecting allthe data fromseveral exchanges to provide the most accurate price available.

24H Cryptocurrency prices are volatile… The 24h % change is the difference between the current priceand the price24 hours ago.


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   {[{ index + $index}]}     {[{ item.pair.split('_')[0] }]}

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