${[{item.price.toLocaleString(undefined, {maximumFractionDigits: 4})}]}
{[{item.change24}]}% Vol {[{ item.volume.toLocaleString(undefined, {maximumFractionDigits: 2}) }]} USDT
+{[{item.change24}]}% Vol {[{ item.volume.toLocaleString(undefined, {maximumFractionDigits: 2}) }]} USDT
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Please fill out the required fields Please fill out the required fields Please fill out the required fieldsWIF
{[{mycrypto.pair.split("_")[0]}]} /
High: {[{mycrypto.high24}]}
Low: {[{mycrypto.low24}]}
Volume: {[{mycrypto.volume}]}
Marketcap: {[{mycrypto.marketcap}]}
DogWiFiHat (WIF) is a decentralized cryptocurrency designed to revolutionize global internet access by leveraging blockchain technology. Users can earn and use WIF tokens to access secure and affordable WiFi services worldwide. Combining innovative technology with a fun, meme-inspired twist, DogWiFiHat aims to make internet connectivity more accessible and engaging for everyone.
{[{ sentimentPourcent }]}% Bullish
{[{ sentimentPourcent }]}% Bearish
BULLISH: {[{ currLikes }]}
BEARISH: {[{ currDislikes }]}
Signal: Bullish
Signal: Bearish