${[{item.price.toLocaleString(undefined, {maximumFractionDigits: 4})}]}
{[{item.change24}]}% Vol {[{ item.volume.toLocaleString(undefined, {maximumFractionDigits: 2}) }]} USDT
+{[{item.change24}]}% Vol {[{ item.volume.toLocaleString(undefined, {maximumFractionDigits: 2}) }]} USDT
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Please fill out the required fields Please fill out the required fields Please fill out the required fieldsWorldcoin (WLD)
{[{mycrypto.pair.split("_")[0]}]} /
High: {[{mycrypto.high24}]}
Low: {[{mycrypto.low24}]}
Volume: {[{mycrypto.volume}]}
Marketcap: {[{mycrypto.marketcap}]}
Worldcoin (WLD) is an innovative cryptocurrency aiming to bring financial inclusivity to the world. Known for its user-friendly platform, low transaction fees, and fast transactions, Worldcoin offers a secure and efficient solution for digital payments.
{[{ sentimentPourcent }]}% Bullish
{[{ sentimentPourcent }]}% Bearish
BULLISH: {[{ currLikes }]}
BEARISH: {[{ currDislikes }]}
Signal: Bullish
Signal: Bearish
Worldcoin (WLD)